
时间:2022-08-01 09:40:03  来源:网友投稿




 XLC/CLX Workflow of Part Recycle XLC/CLX

 Ref. No: WA-004

 Application range and purpose This part recycling workflow is valid at CLX/XLC for all of warehouse.

 This file is to clear the warehouse to receive return parts from the workshop back workflow so that the value of the parts has been to continue or recycling to use, thus reducing production costs.

 01 Production1. Take and use the parts base on WO2. Part used are not, will be put into return part box. 3. The foreman fill and sign on Back Parts List.4. Return the parts to warehouse with Back Parts List togetherWO03 Quality Dept1. Quality check2. Fill the check result on Back Parts List3. send to warehouse after finished quality check02 Warehouse1. Select out

 and check the parts2. Put the parts on location3. Maintenance the data WO base on Back Parts List in MFG Pro4. inform Quality Dept when requiredQualified04 Warehouse1. Input the information of goods into MFG Pro2. Save Back Parts List one year in warehouseReturn Parts ListYesNoSend Back WorkflowEndInput Action Output Note Workflow of Part RecycleReturn Parts ListReturn Parts ListCheck ReportReturn Parts List

  2 .Requirements/Description 2.1 Warehouse prepares the parts base on “Work Order”. Take appropriate packaging for the parts and marking parts ID, then transport them to the workshop.

 2.2 The workers use the parts to making products according to drawing and routing. After the work order task is completed, if some parts are not used, the worker should put these parts into the “return parts box”, fill the “Return Parts List” and foreman must confirm and sign it. 2.3 Quality Dept. to determine the returned parts a) The parts can be used continue, return to warehouse. b) The parts can not be used continue, through scrap processing.

 2.4 Warehouse receiving the returned parts from the workshop and placed it on location. 2.5 Warehouse has the responsibility to maintenance the data of “work order” and inventory in the MFG Pro according to “Return Parts List”. 2.6 Warehouse save “Return Parts List” one year.

  3 .Warehouse checking content 3.1 Check the “Return Parts List” whether the foreman has been signed. 3.2 Check the “Return Parts List” is consistent with the actual returned parts. 3.3 Check the “Return Parts List” if the checker from Quality Dept has reviewed comments.

  4 .Former editions No former edition.

 XLC/CLX 零件循环使用 流程 XLC/CLX

 Ref. No: WA-004

 适用范围和目的 这个零件循环使用流程适用于 XLC/CLX 公司所有的仓库,作为仓库接收工作的内容之一。


 01 生产部1. 根据 《 零件加工单 》领料并使用零件2. 没有得到使用的零件投入退库零件箱3. 填写 《 退库单 》, 由工段长签字4. 将 将 《 退库单 》 随同零件一起交给仓库加工单03 质量部1. 检验货物质量2. 在 在 《 退库单 》 上填写检验结果3. 检验完成 , 交给仓库02 仓库1. 分拣清点零件2. 将零件放入货位3. 根据 《 退库单 》 维护《 加工单 》 数据输入数据在MFG 系统里4. 需要质量部门判定时 , 通知质量部合格04 仓库1. 将货物信息输入 MFG Pro2. 保存 《 退库单 》 一年退库单是否 废品处理流程结束输入 动作 输出 注释零件循环使用工作流程退库单退库单 检验报告退库单

  2. . 要求与说明 2.1 仓库按《加工领料单》准备发货零件,并采取适当的包装,标明零件管理号,送到生产车间。

 2.2 生产车间按图纸和工艺进行生产。当加工任务完成后,如有一些零件没有得到使用,生产车间应将这些零件放入“退回零件箱”,填写《退库单》后由工段长签字确认。

 2.3 质量部对退库零件进行判定 a)可以继续使用的零件,退回仓库。


 2.4 仓库接收从车间退回的零件并放入库位。

 2.5 仓库根据《退库单》在 MFG 系统中维护《加工单》和库存量数据。

 2.6 仓库保存《退库单》一年。

 3. . 仓库检查 退库件的 内容 3.1 检查《退库单》是否有工段长签字。

 3.2 检查《退库单》是否与实际退回的零件一致。

 3.3 检查《退库单》是否有质量部检验员评审意见。

 4. . 以前的版本 没有以前的版本

 5. “Return Parts List” sample:

 《 退库 单》样表: 退 退 库 单 Return Parts List


  申请日期: Application Dept.:


 序号Pos 物料号

 Item No 描述

 Description 数量Qty 单位Unit 加工单号

 Work Order 退回原因

 Reason for return 备注


 申请人 人 Application by :

 复查人 人 Check by :

  仓库 Warehouse :

  见 处理意见 Suggestion :

 员 检验员 Checker :

 检验日期 Date :

 Application From For “Workflow of Part Recycle” (For Internal Use Only) Application: Modification to "Workflow of Part Recycle"



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 What to be modified Original Revision

  Reasons for Modification

 Modification Approved Modification Rejected Approved by

  (with signature) Date Implementation Date Rejected by

  (with signature) Date Reasons for Rejection

推荐访问: Workflow of Part Recycle(WA004) 零件 循环 流程


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