
时间:2022-06-06 08:30:05  来源:网友投稿




 看这边 Hey there. 罗宾 快压住它们 -压住了 Quick! Hold it, Robin! -I got it. 干掉它们 -干掉它 Get it! - Kill it! Kill it! 该死 Shit! 放马过来啊 Yeah! Come on! 去死啦 Nancy! 帮我!

 Come on! Please! 南希 小心你背后 Nancy, behind you! Watch out! 哇靠 南希!

 Oh my God, Nance! 罗宾 把它从我身上弄掉 Robin, get it off me! 我来… Got it, got it, got it! 他妈的 God damn it! Shit! 放开 Let go! 别跑 Come here! 不 -干掉它 No! - Get it! 南希 -去死吧 Nancy! - Go to hell! 王八蛋 给我过来 Come on, come on, come on, you son of a bitch! 我叫你放马过来 来打啊 I said come on! Let"s go! 史蒂夫 -太扯了 Steve! - Jesus Christ. 有没有搞错啊!

 Jesus H. Christ! 你还好吧?

 Are you okay? 被啃掉了一点肉 Well, they took about a pound of flesh. 但除此之外 But other than that, 好得不能再好 yeah, never better. 有人知道这些蝙蝠有没有狂犬病吗? Uh, do you guys think these bats have, like, rabies? 什么? -狂犬病是我个人 What? -It"s just that rabies are, like, 最害怕的东西 my number one greatest fear. 我们应该要尽快送你就医 And I think we should get you to a doctor soon 因为一旦症状出现就太迟了 死定 because once symptoms set in, it"s too late. You"re already dead. 好 这样也不算太多 All right. There"s not that many. 我们能解决它们 We can take "em. 对吧? Right? 你说要解决什么? You were saying? 有片树林 快躲进去 The woods. Come on. 太棒了 Great. 又要跑了 More running. NETFLIX 影集 第 7 章:霍金斯实验室血案 华勒斯先生 睡得好吗? How"d you sleep, Mr. Wallace? 你有没有 Have you 重新考虑你的立场? reconsidered your position? 那个少女在哪? Where"s the girl?

 你可能还需要一点时间思考 Perhaps you need more time to think. 过来 Let"s go. 不要 先等一下 拜托不要 No, wait, wait. Please. Wait! 拜托 Please. 别杀她 Just don"t kill her. 答应我你不会杀她 Promise me you won"t kill her. 我们没时间了 马丁 We"re running out of time here, Martin. 霍金斯快没时间了 Hawkins is running out of time. 我很清楚风险有多大 I understand the stakes quite well. 我有时候会纳闷你是真的清楚 Sometimes I wonder if you really do. 还是你做这一切 Or maybe you"ve just done all this 只是出于怀念你们的父女时光 "cause you missed your daddy-daughter time. 我对你有求必应 I"ve given you everything you asked for. 还违反原则 拿自己和家人的命冒险 I"ve compromised my principles. I"ve risked my life, my family"s life. 全是因为你向我保证一定会成功 All because you assured me this would work, 而且也只有这个办法 that this was the only way. 但我一点都看不到进展 马丁 But I don"t see any progress out there, Martin. 那我看到什么? You know what I see? 我看到一个受惊 受创的小女孩 I see a frightened, traumatized little girl. 我们还真行喔 Good for us. 事实是你在退步 11

 The truth is, you"re regressing, Eleven. 不进反退 You"re going backwards. 11 看着我 Eleven, look at me. 看着我 Look at me. 我知道你很怕 I know you"re frightened. 你对眼前所见深深感到恐惧 You"re terribly frightened by what you"ve seen. 但现在拖累你的正是这股恐惧 But it"s this very fear that"s now holding you back. 你如果想要妮娜计划成功 If you want Nina to succeed, 就不能逃避 无论真♥相♥有多骇人 you cannot hide from the truth, no matter how frightening it may be. 我看到我♥干♥的好事 I saw what I did. 我是怪物 I am a monster. 你一直说着怪物 You speak of monsters, 超级英雄 superheroes. 那是神话和童话里的玩意儿 That"s the stuff of myth and fairy tales. 现实 真♥相♥很少有那么简单 Reality, truth, is rarely so simple. 人没有那么容易归类 People are not so easily defined. 只有面对自己的一切 无论善恶 Only by facing all of ourselves, the good and the bad, 我们才能完整 can we become whole. 如果我不想变完整呢? What if I don"t wanna become whole? 那也是一种选择 Then that is a choice. 你的选择 Your choice.

 大门永远敞开 The door is always open. 这个地方 This place 并不是监狱 is not a prison. 这里才是 This is. 你曾经选择信任我 You chose to trust me once. 我要你再信任我一次 I"m asking you to trust me again. 和我一起重温最后一次的旧梦 Journey with me into the past one last time. 别再躲了 11 Stop hiding, Eleven. 你干了什么好事? What have you done? (第二试验室监视器:09-8-79)


 你快转了多少时间? How much time did you skip? 你要进度 You wanted progress. 我就给你进度 I"m giving it to you. 你们到底在湖边做什么? What exactly were you all doing at the lake? 有点复… -我们只是在散步 It"s comp... -We were… We were just going for a walk. 散步? A walk? 晚上 9 点的时候散步? At 9:00 p.m.? 散步去湖边 To the lake. 我们是打算 We were gonna 去游个泳 take a little swim. 来趟夜游

 Little night swim. 达斯汀 Dusty. 那里才刚发生命案耶 Someone was just murdered there. 是啊 我们到了那里才知道 Yeah, we… we didn"t realize that until we got there. 所以我们才没下水 That"s why we didn"t swim. 南希有跟你们一起去夜游吗? And Nancy, was she with you at this night swim? 没有 -有 No. -Yes. Uh… 我们不确定 We"re not sure. 她有去 She was there. 后来又走了 Then she left. 我记不太清楚 -这时你们就出现了 It"s all a little confusing. -That"s when you guys came. 对 然后他们就激我说出那些话 Right. Then they dared me to say what I said. 对 Oh, yeah. 说凶手什么什么的 About the killer. 你们是走运才没被开枪 You"re lucky you didn"t get shot. 你们和埃迪有联络吗? Have you had any contact with Eddie? 那个疯子怪胎杀人魔? That psycho… freak killer? 怎么可能有 God, no. 绝对没有 -我们没他的消息 Nope. Absolutely not. -No. We haven"t heard from him. 根本就跟他不熟 -谁啊? We barely know the guy. -Who? 屁话连篇 Oh, that"s a bunch of bull.


 -你们明明就知道他们在说谎 Erica! - I mean, you realize they"re lying. 他们的鼻子一直在变长 The whole couch is on fire. 爱瑞卡 -我只是指出事实而已 Erica. - Just the facts. 达斯汀 你在骗警♥察♥先生吗? Are you lying to these policemen, Dusty? 没有 -欺骗警♥察♥是犯罪 儿子 No. - Lying to cops is a crime, son. 我没说谎 -鼻子快刺到我们了 I"m not lying. -The fire is consuming us. 拿坐牢威胁他们 Threaten them with a little jail time. 口风或许会松一点 Maybe that"ll loosen their lips. 够了喔 -你要送我们的孩子去坐牢? Okay... -You wanna send our kids to jail? 我们得认真看待 -他不是那个意思 We need to take this seriously. -He didn"t mean it like that. 闭嘴 -烦死了 Shut up! -Oh my God. 给我闭嘴!

 Shut up! 吓死人 Jesus. 我们试试文明一点的做法 We"re gonna try a more civilized approach. 一个一个来 One at a time. 你先 You first. 等等 为什么是我? -跟我来 Wait, what? Why me? -Follow me. 我连地狱火俱乐部都没加入耶 I"m not even in Hellfire. 你想要被上铐吗? Do I need to cuff you? 起来 Up. 快点

 Chop-chop. 走吧 Let"s go. 没事了 Oh… okay. 好险 -对啊 That was close. -Yeah. 太险了 Too close. 惨了 Oh, sh… shit. 史蒂夫? Steve? 天啊 -我没事 Jesus. -I"m fine. I"m fine. 你事情可大了 你在失血 No, no, no. You"re not. You"re losing blood. 坐下 有听到吗? Come on, sit. All right? 好了 All right. 好吧 Okay. 好消息是 So the good news is 我确定晕眩不是狂犬病常见症状 I"m pretty sure wooziness is not a symptom of rabies. 但如果你开始产生幻觉或肌肉痉挛 But if you start having hallucinations or muscle spasms 或开始变得凶暴 例如想揍我 请先通知我一声 or you start feeling aggressive, like you wanna punch me, let me know. 罗宾 -什么事? Robin. -Yeah? 我有点想揍你 I kinda wanna punch you. 幽默感还在 这是好兆头 Sense of humor"s still intact. That"s a good sign. 是啊 Yeah. 来吧 Okay.

 来吧 Okay. 准备好了吗?-好了 You ready? -Yeah. 动手吧 Just do it. 抱歉 Sorry. 没关系 It"s okay. 会太紧吗? Too tight? 不会 -那就好 No, that"s good. -All right. 好了 Okay. 谢谢 Thanks. 不会 Yeah. 所以 So, uh, 这里就像霍金斯 只不过还存在着妖魔鬼怪? this place is like Hawkins, but with monsters and nasty shit? 差不多 Pretty much. 注意藤蔓 它们全都是集体心智 Wait, watch out for the vines. It"s all a hive mind. 全都是什么? It"s all a what? 这里所有在蠕动的鬼东西 All the creepy crawlies around here. 都是一体的 They"re, like, one or something. 踩到藤蔓等于踩到蝙蝠 也就等于踩到维克纳 Step on a vine, you"re stepping on a bat, you"re stepping on Vecna. 太扯了 Shit. 但我们世界的东西都还在这吧? But everything from our world is still here, right? 除了人类明显不在以外

 Except people, obviously? 据我所知是这样没错 As far as I understand it, yeah. 所以我们理论上可以去警♥察♥局 So, theoretically, we could go to the police station 偷走枪枝和手榴弹 需要什么就拿 and steal guns and grenades and whatever we need 炸烂那些守门的蝙蝠怪物 to blow up those bat things that are guarding the gate. 霍金斯警局大概不会有手榴弹 罗宾 I highly doubt the Hawkins PD has grenades, Robin. 不过应该有枪 But guns, yeah, sure. 要枪不需要大老远去市区一趟 Well, we don"t have to go all the way downtown for guns. 我的卧室里就有几把 I have guns in my bedroom. 你 You, 南希惠勒 Nancy Wheeler, 有几把枪 have guns, plural, 放在卧室里? in your bedroom? 她让人捉摸不清吧? Full of surprises, isn"t she? 有俄制马可洛夫手♥枪♥和左轮手♥枪♥ A Russian Makarov and a revolver. 我差点被你用那把枪射到 Yeah, you almost shot me with that one. 射到也是你活该 You almost deserved it. 拿去遮羞吧 老兄 For your modesty, dude. 天啊 Oh my god! 我觉得取枪这个主意不错 So guns seem like a pretty good idea to me. 我也是 Yeah, me too.

 那还坐着干嘛? So what are we waiting for? 话说回来 You know, 我们打的主意非常疯狂 what we are to attempt is quite mad. 以你的标准来说都嫌夸张 美国人 Even by your standards, American. 是吗? Yeah? 你这次有估计成功率吗? You got odds for us this time? 我想… I think… 一千比一? a thousand to one? 就算我们奇迹般杀了这头野兽 还是得逃狱 Even if we somehow kill this beast, we still must escape. 要是逃狱失败 We fail there, 他们应该不会好心让我们回牢房♥ I don"t think they will be so kind as to throw us back in a cell. 他们会当场枪杀我们 They will shoot us on sight. 那我们死了也是屠魔勇士 We"d die as monster slayers. 你会成为传奇 You"ll be a legend. 不过还是叛国♥贼♥ 你忘了这一点 But still a traitor. You forgot traitor. 屠魔勇士的光环会盖过叛国♥贼♥ Monster slayer trumps traitor. 我敢说至少米凯尔会以老爸为荣 I bet Mikhail will be proud of his pops, at least. 米凯尔? Mikhail? 不可能 No. 我现在做什么 他都看不顺眼 I can"t do nothing right with him anymore, it seems. 他一定会说

 He will say, “爸爸 我敢说美国老秃杀才是屠魔功臣” "Papa, I bet that bald American did most of the monster slaying." 他到那个年纪啦? He"s that age, huh? 对 他正是那个年纪 Yeah, he is that age. 美国人 你也是这样吗? It is same for you, American? 你和新女儿也一...

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