
时间:2022-07-05 18:35:04  来源:网友投稿




  还有些凹痕了 It"s got a few dings. 我最低只能给到挂牌价 Best I can do is sticker price. 那我去乔记南瓜铺买♥♥好了 Mmm. I"ll just try Joe"s Pumpkins instead. 乔每次都会送顾客一袋落叶 Joe gives you a bag of dead leaves with every purchase. 等等 我再送你一幅 Wait! I"ll throw in a cut-out 挂在窗子上的黑猫画吧 of a black cat to hang in your window. 是戴着巫师帽的那种吗? Wearing a witch"s hat? 行吧 我给你弄 I can make that happen. 我们都知道你会送的啦 就是必须讨价还价一番是吧 We both knew we"d get here, but we had to dance. 好消息 我买♥♥了全家配套的戏服 Great news. I found us a family costume. 我们可以扮成《宋飞正传》里的人物 We can all be characters from "Seinfeld." 我就当杰瑞 杰西卡 你当伊莲 I"ll obviously be Jerry, Jessica, you can be Elaine. 我已经想好要扮谁了 I already have a costume. 我扮的是詹尼佛·洪 I"m Jennifer Hong. 她是我写的那部小说 From the novel I"m writing. 《头部中刀案》里的啊 "A Case of a Knife to the Brain." 酱紫 - 我早就知道啦 - Oh! Right. - I knew it. 行吧 你能参与万圣节我就很高兴了 Well, I"m happy you"re at least participating in Halloween. 这节日并不咋样 我们都心知肚明好吧 It"s a sub-par holiday. We all know that. 不过 我倒是可以利用你们玩的时间 But, while you"re out doing your thing,

 好好享受独自写作的时光 I will enjoy a distraction-free night to write. 我第二章要放大招 但不知道写啥好 I need a big surprise for chapter two, but I"m stuck. 不如你试试... Well, what if you tried... 我需要民事帮助的时候会召唤你的 If I need civilian help I"ll let you know. 行吧 Huh. All right. 拿去 孩儿们 Here you go, boys. 你想让我演纽曼啊? You want me to be Newman? 我也不参加啦 I"m out, too. 我今年是本命年 It"s my bad luck year, and I can"t mix that 我可不想再跟这个迷信的节日搅和 with a superstitious holiday. 真的? Really? 我还是会穿着戏服的 只是就待在房♥间里 I"ll wear my costume in my room, though. 你可以来看我啊 Maybe you can come visit. 有火腿吃呢 I"ll put out some ham. 嗨 老爸 - 嗨! - Hey, Dad. - Hey! 我给你买♥♥了超棒的乔治·康斯坦萨的服装 I got you an amazing George Costanza costume 还买♥♥了个超赞的南瓜 and found an incredible pumpkin. 快看 Check it out. 我早就买♥♥好南瓜了 Ooh, I already picked up a pumpkin. 家里得漱口水快没了 The house is low on mouthwash, 我就去杂货店买♥♥

 so I stopped by the grocery store 顺便买♥♥了这个 and grabbed this guy while I was there. 塑料南瓜? A plastic pumpkin? 这更有效率啊 It"s more efficient. 这样你就不用每年都去讨价还价啦 Now you don"t have to haggle every year. 他还可以... Plus... 初来乍到 第 4 季 第 4 集 听够了没啊 That"s enough squash music. 埃迪和埃默里长大了不想过万圣节了 Eddie and Emery are outgrowing Halloween, 但我以为埃文还早着呢 but I thought I had a few more years left with Evan. 实用... 他说他买♥♥这个是因为这实用些 "Efficient"... he said he bought this because it was "Efficient." 他那是遗传我啦 Oh, he gets that from me. 高效 美观 快走 Efficiency, beauty, speedy gait. 小孩子怎么会在意这些啊? What child says that? 哪个小孩会"给家里"买♥♥漱口水啊Also, what child buys mouthwash "For the house"? 路易斯 别不开心啦 Louis, don"t worry. 要是埃文不想过万圣节 If Evan had outgrown Halloween, 那他就不会买♥♥南瓜啦 he wouldn"t have bought a pumpkin in the first place. 你说的也有道理 I guess you"re right. 嗨 埃文 Hey, Evan. 啥事儿? - 为了更"有效率" - Yes? - Um, to be "Efficient,"

 我们现在来想想 we should probably go over what candy 今年要发什么糖吧 we"re handing out this year. 我知道你要不同意 Now, I know what you"re going to say, 但我还是要买♥♥杏仁糖 but I want to include Almond Joy. 杏仁糖多好啊 It is a good candy. 不好意思啦 我不能跟你一起发糖果啦 Sorry, I can"t hand out candy with you. 我有别的计划 I already have plans. 啥... Wh... 他还遗传了我那瓷娃娃的肌肤 You know what else he gets from me is porcelain skin. 买♥♥点陶瓷糖回来哈 Put it on the list. 谢谢你们能来 Thank you for coming. 我们得讨论下萨利·尼尔森状况 We need to discuss the Sally Nelson situation. 萨利·尼尔森是谁? Who"s Sally Nelson? 额滴神呐 戴夫 Good God, Dave. 她是舞蹈队的高三的 She"s a senior on the dance team, 她要办年度最劲爆的派对 and she"s throwing the social event of the year. 万圣节派对? A Halloween party? 我们必须去参加啊 Oh, we should totally go to this. 我们没被邀请好吗 戴夫 We weren"t invited, Dave. 我们做错了啥? 不就是因为我们是新生吗 Our only crime? Being freshmen. 现在我知道什么是歧视了

 I understand discrimination, now. 他们为啥就不能让我们好过点呢? Why can"t they just let us live? 兄弟们 我知道怎么能参加 Guys, I know how to get us in. 真的? - 好耶! - 指引我们吧 - For real? - Yes! - Lead us. 我们只需要 All we have to do is hang out 穿着超屌♥的衣服 on the stoop across from her house 高冷的坐在她家对面的台阶上 wearing badass costumes, looking hard. 萨利肯定会觉得我们超屌♥的 就会邀请我们 Sally will think we"re cool and invite us in. 是 我的计划很垃圾 但你们有别的方法吗? Yes, my plan sucks, but does anybody have a better one? 我觉得这半吊子垃圾计划是我们唯一的选择了 I guess this half-baked garbage is our only option. 行 咱们都这么办 Great. We"re all in. 好 Mm-hmm. Yep. 微波炉的发明可真不容易啊 Microwaves have come a long way, let me tell you. 是啊 Yeah. 所以你万圣节晚上到底是要干嘛呢? So, um, what plans do you have for Halloween night, exactly? 我要去参加黛德丽家的成人派对 I"m going to that adults" party at Deidre"s house. 开玩笑呢? Seriously? 既然埃默里不出去 Well, since Emery"s sitting it out 我们就不能照旧组合变装 and we"re not doing our regular couples costume, 我就觉得干嘛不呢? - 但那是成人派对啊 - I figured why not? But if Deidre"s party"s for adults, 你为啥被邀请了? why were you invited?

 业主协会的嘛 我帮黛德丽做的客人名单 The HOA. I helped Deidre with the guest list. 有时候 我觉得她开这些派对 Sometimes, I think she throws these parties 只是为了孤立丽萨 just to leave Lisa out. 但我真的需要你 But the thing is, I could really use your help 万圣节晚上帮我啊 - 我只会帮倒忙啦 - on Halloween night. - But I"ll just get in the way. 但小糖果就应该是小孩子来发啊 But fun-size candy should be handed out by fun-size hands. 但你很在行啊 But you"re so good at it. 但我不会猜戏服啊 我需要帮我 But I"m a bad costume-guesser and I need your help. 但我已经回复了要去的 不去的话我会很内疚 But I already RSVP"d, and I would feel so bad. 但成人派对很无聊啊 But adult parties are so boring. 大家说的无非就是他们多累啊 Everyone just talks about how tired they are 或者又在吃什么食谱啊 or what diet they"re on, and all you want to say 但你只希望他们吃的 is "You should be on the "Shut Up Diet" 是不再说话的闭嘴食谱 where you only shut up." 你得一直听他们说 You get trapped in these conversations 但你根本不想听啊 you don"t want to be in. 你难道希望那样度过万圣节夜晚吗? Is that really how you want to spend your Halloween night? 卡洛·乔安确实老问我经济上的建议 Carol Joan does always ask me 却从来不听取 for financial advice and she never takes it. 那可真是不尊重你的时间啊 Oh, that is just so disrespectful of your time. 确实

 It is. It really is. 行吧 那我就跟你一起去发糖果吧 Okay, I"ll hand out candy with you. 太好啦 Fantastic. 顺便跟你说哦 我听说卡洛·乔安的房♥贷一塌糊涂 By the way, I heard Carol-Joan is upside-down on her mortgage. 我知道 Mm. I know. 我之前不知道 但... 我就觉得会 I mean, I didn"t, but...I did. "你也许能削减我的资金 巴德富市长" "You may cut my funding, Mayor Badford," 詹妮弗·洪说着 她点上了香烟 Jennifer Hong said as she lit her cigarillo, "但我会不眠不休 直到我找出 "But I will not sleep until I find out 是谁用那把刀 捅进了那个脑子" who used that knife to stab that brain." 第一章还算合理 Chapter one still holds up. 讨好你的老婆是为了什么? What"s the deal with impressing your wife? 你看着像个丑女人 You look like an ugly woman. 万圣节快乐 Happy Halloween. 希望你写了好多东西 Hope you get a lot of writing done. 外行才相信希望 Hope is for amateurs. 而现在 故事继续 And now, the story continues. 妈的 写作怎么这么难? Damn it. Why is writing so hard? 奶奶那屋... 传出了奇怪的声音 There"s a...weird sound coming from Grandma"s room. 如果是那种低声的叹气转变成 If it"s a low moan that turns 急速的大笑 那算是正常的 into a rapid gurgle, that"s normal.

 我什么都没听到 I don"t hear anything. 我邀请你们进来 I invite you to come inside. 真是没有礼貌啊 你听到那个声音了吗? Did you hear that voice? 什么声音 那个男人的声音 That man"s voice. 这儿没有男人吶 你也听到声音了 对吧? You heard the voice though, right? 可能只是她在打哈欠 It was probably just her yawning. 她打哈欠的声音很男人 She has a very mannish yawn. 戴夫-- 神经质歌♥迷 厉害 Dave-- Juggalo. Badass. 特伦特-- 死囚 牛逼 Trent -- death-row inmate. Badass. 我和沃尔特-- Me and Walter -- 电影"星期五"里的克雷格和大烟 Craig and Smokey from "Friday." 超强的 Badass. 表明你的身份 Explain yourself. 我是"王子"普林斯·内尔森 而且每年一次 I"m Prince, and this is the one time of year 我可以穿低胸装的时候 I can wear a plunging neckline. 布莱恩 你就坐在我后面吧 Just sit behind us, Brian. 这个白♥痴♥会搞砸我们进去的机会的 This fool"s gonna mess up our shot at getting in. 我的天啊! 真可爱! Oh, my God! So cute! 怎么了? 那小女孩是小美人鱼 What? Baby girl was Ariel.

 我只是在分享我的喜悦 I was just sharing my joy. 别表现出来 Don"t react. 在心里 你可以说"喔" On the inside, you can be like, "Ooh," 但是在外表 你得是... but on the outside, be like... 好吧 我保证我不会-- Okay. I promise I won"t -- 噢不! Oh, no! 是皮卡丘啊! It"s a Pikachu! 去他的吧 反正咱们也进不去那个派对 Screw this. We"re never gonna get into this party anyway. 我要开始享受我的万圣节 I"m gonna enjoy my Halloween. 嘿小孩子 你触动了我的内心 Hey, little man. You touched my heart. 埃文 第一个顾客! Evan, first customers! 埃文? Evan? 噢 他们的服装-- 我都不认识 Oh, their costumes -- I have no idea. 不给糖就捣乱! Trick or treat! 多可爱的 嗯... Oh, what a lovely, uh... 皮条客和妓♥女♥? pimp and hoe? 我儿子是威力旺卡 我没穿戏服 My son is Willy Wonka and I"m not in costume. 我很抱歉 I"m sorry. 万圣节快乐 Happy Halloween. 他都没有打开他的科斯坦萨服装 He hasn"t even opened his Costanza costume. 他在哪呢?

 Where is he? 他去黛德丽那里了 He went to Deidre"s. 路易斯! Ah! Louis! 过来吧你个小坏蛋 Get in here, you slut. 嘿黛德丽 嗯 你看见... Hey, Deidre. U...

推荐访问:Off the Boat《初来乍到(2015)》第四季第四集完整中英文对照剧本 初来乍到 剧本 第四集

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