
时间:2022-05-15 08:35:04  来源:网友投稿





  课程中英文名称对照 表


 序号 中文 英文 1 外语 English 2 体育 Physical Education 3 形势与政策 Situation and Policy 4 数学分析 Mathematical Analysis 5 高等代数 Advanced Algebra 6 C 语言程序设计 C Programming 7 医学化学 Medical Chemistry



 Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basics



 Students Career Development and Employment Guidance 10 概率论与数理统计 Probability and Mathematical Statistics 11 分子系统生物学 Molecular System Biology 12 JAVA 语言程序设计 Introduction to JAVA Programming 13 大学生心理健康教育 College Students’ Mental Health Education 14 基本原理 Introduction of Basic Principle of Marxism 15 分子组学基础 The Basis of Molecular Omics 16 生物统计学 Biostatistics 17 运筹学 Operations Research 18 疾病组学基础 Disease Omics Basis 19 Matlab 语言程序设计 Matlab Language Programming 20 计算机组成与网络 Computer Organization and network 21 数字逻辑 Digital Logic 22 中国近代史纲要 Outline of Chinese Modern History 23 信息论基础与随机过程 Information Theory and Stochastic Process 24 优化算法 Optimal Methods 25 数据结构 Data Structures 26 R 语言程序设计 C Programming 27 生物医学网络资源 Biomedical Network Resources


 28 生物技术实验 Biotechnology Experiment 29 模式识别 Pattern Recognition and Data Mining



 Introduction of Mao Zedong Thought and the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 31 组合数学与图论 Combinatorics and Graph Theory 32 数据库原理与程序设计 Principle of Database And Program Design 33 高等多元统计 Higher Multivariate Statistics 34 软件工程概论 Introduction to Software Engineering 35 临床医学概论 Introduction to Clinical Medicine

 36 系列重要讲话专题辅导 Subject on Thoughts of Serious Talks by General Secretary Xi Jinping 37 JSP 编程与网站开发 JSP and Web Development 38 生物信息学 Bioinformatics 39 统计遗传学 Statistical Genetics 40 文本挖掘技术 Technology for Text Mining 41 生物软件开发 Biological Software Development 42 专业英语 Professional English for Bioinformatics 43 Perl 语言程序设计 Perl Programming 44 生物芯片技术 Biological Microarrays 45 生理系统建模 Physiological System Modeling 46 Linux 与 Shell 编程 Linux and Shell Programming 47 大数据技术 Big Data Technology 48 药物信息学 Pharmacoinfmatics 49 计算系统生物学 Computational System Biology 50 合成生物学 Synthetic Biology 51 生物数据可视化技术 Visualization Technology of Biological Data 52 软件质量与测试 Software Quality Assurance and Testing 53 Python 语言程序设计 Programming of Python Language 54 计算机辅助药物设计 Computer Aided Drug Design 55 生物医学图像处理 Biomedical Image Processing 56 生物医学软件开发技能 Software Development Skills for Biomedical 57 生物医学软件前沿进展 Progress in Biomedical Software Platforms 58 科研论文写作与标书设计 Design of Research Project and Fund Tender

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