
时间:2022-06-20 17:15:03  来源:网友投稿




 本片献给战斗在海面之下的各国海军的蛙人部队, 特别为了纪念英国皇家海军志愿后备队的莱昂内尔.克莱伯海军中校。

 [water bubbling] [水泡声] [suspenseful music] [紧张音乐声] 无声的敌人 根据马歇尔.皮尤的小说《海军中校克莱伯》改编 本片水下镜头拍摄自地中海水下,制片方感谢以下单位:

 海军部,战争部,空军部 特别得到了,地中海舰队潜水分队军官的审批及士兵的帮助。

 1941 年十二月 19 日,亚历山大港 [boatswain"s whistle blows] [水手长哨声吹起] 伊丽莎白女王号♥ 夜巡记录本上记录:夜巡正常。

 [boatswain"s whistle blows] [水手长哨声吹起] [water bubbling] [水泡声] [tense music builds] [紧张的音乐响起] [loud explosion] [大爆♥炸♥声] [loud explosion] [大爆♥炸♥声] [Admiral] The two battleships Queen Elizabeth and Valiant were sunk in Alexandria harbour [海军上将]两艘战列舰“伊丽莎白女王”号♥和“英勇”号♥在亚历山大港 by six men of the Italian 10th Flotilla. 被意大利第 10 舰队的 6 名士兵击沉。

 They came from a submarine, 他们来自一艘潜艇, but the underwater weapons that they used were new. 但他们使用的水下武器是新的。

 Human torpedoes, chariots. 人操鱼雷战车。

 Each was ridden by two divers 每艘潜艇都由两名潜水员驾驶, and each carried an explosive warhead, 每艘潜艇都携带一枚爆♥炸♥弹头,

 which was detached from the bows and slung by wires 炸♥弹♥头从潜艇头部分离,用绳索捆扎, under the hull of the target ship. 安装在目标船舰的船体之下。

 Those chariots have altered the naval balance of power in the Mediterranean. 这些战车改变了地中海海军的力量平衡。

 They may yet alter the course of this war. 他们可能会改变这场战争的进程。

 Already they"ve chosen their next target. 他们已经选择了下一个目标。

 Ourselves. 就是我们自己。

 Gibraltar, gentlemen. The gateway. 直布罗陀海峡,先生们。这可是咽喉之地。

 Whether we like it or not, 不论我们是否喜欢, we"re the gateway to the Mediterranean. 我们这里就是通往地中海的大门。

 If the enemy shuts us down,Malta is isolated. 如果敌人封锁住了我们,马耳他就孤立了。

 So is Alexandria. 亚历山大港也会孤立。

 The 8th Army loses its supply route,we lose North Africa. 第八集团军失去补给路线,我们就失去了北非。

 So we"ve got to keep open. 所以我们必须保持海路畅通。

 It"s as simple as that. 就这么简单。

 In war, most gateways have a lock on them, 在战争中,大多数交通要道都有一个锁, a lock called security. 这个锁叫做安全。

 We haven"t. 而我们没有。

 That"s the difference. 这就是不同点。

 Let me show you. 让我给你们看。

 Over there in Algeciras, gentlemen,someone is watching us. 就在那边的阿尔赫西拉斯,先生们,有人正在观察我们。

 We call him the duty spy. 我们管他们叫做义务间谍。

 He sits there four miles across the bay in the neutral country of Spain 他坐在离海湾四英里远的中立国西班牙, and he watches everything that happens on this rock. 他观察着这里岩石上发生的一切。

 He"s watching us at this window. 他正在观察这个窗口里的我们。

 He watches your ships as they enter and leave the bay. 他看着你的船进出海湾。

 - Any questions? - But how, sir? Where from? -有什么问题吗? -但是他怎么看,长官?从哪里看? The enemy has consulates in Algeciras.Luckily, so have we. 敌人在阿尔赫西拉斯设有领♥事♥馆♥。幸运的是,我们也有。

 You mean, their agents over there tell the subs when a convoy arrives 你是说,他们那边的特工会告诉他们的潜艇,我们运输船队来了。

 - and their boys attack it here? - Exactly. -他们的手下会在这里攻击? -没错。

 The sooner we"re on our way to Malta, the better. 我们越快赶到马耳他越好。

 Algeciras isn"t their only source of information. 阿尔赫西拉斯并不是他们唯一的信息来源。

 You see that airstrip down there? 你看到那边的飞机跑道了吗? Just beyond it is the Spanish frontier. 再过去就是西班牙边境。

 Every morning,thousands of men come down that road 每天早上,成千上万的人沿着这条路 across the border to work in the dockyard here. 穿过边境来到这里的造船厂工作。

 Every evening,they go back again into Spain. 每天晚上,他们又回到西班牙。

 We do everything we can to screen them, 我们尽一切努力来筛查他们, but it"s a pretty hopeless task. 但这是一件相当费力的工作。

 Thank heavens we"re only here for a few nights. 谢天谢地,我们只在这里待几个晚上。

 Well, gentlemen, now,at least, you know the picture. 好了,先生们,现在,至少,你们知道那张照片了。

 You"re anchored up here.


 Here"s an anti-submarine net. 这是一张反潜网。

 We shall do everything we can to protect you 我们会竭尽所能保护你们, but it"s essential you order a sharp look-out to be kept all night. 但你们必须让你们的人整晚保持警惕。

 - Any questions?- [all] No, sir. -还有什么问题吗? -[全体]没有了,长官。

 - Right, now, let"s get down to details.- [plane roars overhead] -那好,现在,我们来谈谈具体细节。-[飞机飞过头顶的轰鸣声] That"s one thing about Gibraltar, we do get a regular air mail from home. 这是直布罗陀的一个特点,我们会收到来自家乡的定期航♥空♥邮件。

 We also get the occasional bright boy from London 我们偶尔还会从伦敦请来个聪明的小伙子, to tell us how to run the war. 告诉我们如何指挥这场战争。

 There"s probably a Whitehall Warrior on this one. 这次可能有个白厅勇士要来。

 [men chuckle] [众人的笑声] [plane engines roaring] [飞机引擎轰鸣声] Crabb! 克莱布!

 Crabb, wake up! 克莱布,醒醒!

 Lieutenant Crabb, we"re here! 克莱布中尉,我们到了!

 What is it? Where"s the... 什么呀?到哪儿了... Ooh! 哦!

 Oh, I wish you wouldn"t do that,Mr Holford. 噢,我希望你别这么做,霍福德先生。

 We"re over the rock. 我们飞在岩石上面。

 - What rock?- Gibraltar, of course. -什么岩石?- 当然是直布罗陀了。

 [Crabb yawns] [克莱布打着呵欠] As a rule, people get very excited about their first view of Gib. 一般来说,人们第一次看到直布罗陀海峡都会非常兴奋。

 Well, I"m an exception.Besides, I"m tired. 我是个例外。再说,我也累了。

 I can"t imagine why.You"ve been asleep nearly all the way. 我不知道为什么。你几乎一路都在睡觉。

 You couldn"t imagine the party I had last night either. 你也想象不到我昨晚的派对。

 - You got a family, Mr Holford?- Oh, yes. -你有家庭吗,霍福德先生? -哦,是的。

 You"re lucky. 你真幸运。

 You can keep your farewells for them. 你可以向他们告别了。

 I"m a lonely man, so crowds of people turned up to see me off. 我是一个孤独的人,所以很多人都巴不得我走开。

 Never met most of them before,probably never see them again. 他们大部分人都没见过,可能再也见不到。

 So, that"s Gibraltar, eh? 那就是直布罗陀海峡吗? What are those ships out there in the bay? 海湾里那些是什么船? They"re a convoy at anchor. 他们是停泊的运输船队。

 And that"s where the poor bastards get mines stuck on their hulls, is it? 那就是那些可怜的混♥蛋♥,被水雷粘在船壳下面了,对吧? Please. Careless talk. 请注意一下你的言辞。

 Ever managed to blow up anything inside the harbour? 敌人能炸毁港口内任何东西吗? They"ve tried but we have the situation under control. 他们试过了,但我们已经控制住局势了。

 Divers, you know. 靠潜水员,你懂的。

 A lot of ships. How many divers? 这么多船。要派出多少潜水员? Landing in two minutes.Hang on tight, everyone. 两分钟后着陆。大家抓紧了。

 If we overshoot the airstrip,we go in the drink. 如果我们的飞机冲出跑道,那我们只得去喝海水了。

 I know the rock very well.If I can give you any tips... 我很了解那块岩石。如果我能给你一些建议… You can give me one now.Where do I find the Admiral? 你现在可以给我一个了。我在哪儿能找到海军上将? At the naval headquarters. 在海军指挥部。

 He"s a very busy man, 他是个非常忙的人, but I"m sure he"ll put everything on one side to welcome an R.N.V.R. Lieutenant. 我想他会停下一切手头工作,而欢迎一位海军志愿后备队的中尉。

 Mr Holford, I"ve just bought myself a brand new uniform 霍福德先生,我刚给自己买♥♥了一套全新的军服, for the first time since the war started 这是战争开始以来的第一次, and I propose to christen it properly by visiting that Admiral. 我打算去拜访一位海军上将,所以要显得郑重其事一些。

 Now then, how many divers did you say? 那么,你说有多少潜水员? Two. 两名。

 He"ll see me. 他会见我的。

 [knocking on door] [敲门声] Come in. 请进。

 - Have you an appointment, sir?- No. -你有预约吗?长官?-没有。

 Sorry, sir, no one allowed in the Admiral"s office 抱歉,长官,在没有得到海军上将办公室第三副官, without first seeing the Assistant Secretary, 雷恩.玛斯特丝的首肯,任何人都不能进入 Third Officer Wren Masters, sir. 海军上将的办公室。

 This is her office, sir. 这是她管的办公室,长官。

 - Well, where is she?- Inside with the Admiral, sir. -她在哪里?-和上将在里面,长官。

 Look, if I have to see her before I can go in, 听着,如果我进去之前要见她, and she is already inside,how the devil do I get in? 而她已经进去了,我要怎么进去? Oh, it is a problem, sir, isn"t it? 这是个问题,长官,对吧? Of course,you could wait until she comes out, sir. 当然,您可以等到她出来,长官。

 I say, could you tell me how... 我说,你能告诉我怎么… Even when she does comes out, sir,I doubt if she"d let you go in. 即使她出来了,长官,我也怀疑她会不会让你进去。

 Not unless you have an appointment, sir. 除非你有预约,长官。

 Oh, she won"t, won"t she? 哦,她不会的,对吧? Now, you listen to me. 现在,你听我说。

 I came out to this blasted rock of yours to get on with the war. 我来你们这破地方,是为了继续打仗。

 And if you think that a whole army of Wrens, FANYs, ATS, WAAFs 如果你认为这支军队是由雷恩指挥的, 由急救护士队,空军实习生和妇女志愿辅助队组成的 are going to stop me for getting in there, you"re very much mistaken. 而不想让我进去,那你就大错特错了。

 [Crabb clears his throat] [克莱布清了清喉咙] That"s a nasty cough. 你的咳嗽很严重。

 - Are you Third Officer Wren Masters? - I am. -你是第三副官莱恩,玛斯特丝吗? -我是。

 I want to see the Admiral. 我要见海军上将。

 - Name?- Crabb. -姓名? -克莱布。

 - Christian names? - Lionel Philip Kenneth. -教名?-莱昂纳尔.菲利普.肯尼斯。

 Rank? 军衔? I"m a Lance Corporal in the Chinese army.

 我是中国♥军♥队的一名代理下士, Lieutenant R.N.V.R. 皇家海军志愿后备队的中尉。

 Identity card? 身份证件? Thank you. 谢谢你。

 Why do you want to see the Admiral? 你为什么要见海军上将? I arrived in Gibraltar one hour ago. 我一小时前刚到达直布罗陀。

 I"m a bomb and mine disposal officer 我是一名处理炸♥弹♥和水雷的军官, and I can"t dispose of anything until I find it. 我只会发现并处理它们。

 Bomb and mine disposal. 处理炸♥弹♥和水雷。

 Oh, yes.We had a signal about you. 哦,是的。我们收到了关于你的信息。

 ncredible, can I go in now? - I"m afraid not. It"s quite impossible. -太不可思议了,我现在可以进去了吗?-恐怕不行。这是很不可能的。

 Who says so? 为什么这么说? I do, Lieutenant, quite alone, 中尉,我就一个人, without the assistance of any FANYs, ATS, WAAFs, or even another Wren. 没有急救护士队,空军实习...

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