
时间:2022-06-06 08:00:02  来源:网友投稿




 抱歉 我一个字都无法理解 I"m sorry. I"m having trouble understanding any of this. 霍金斯到底是怎么回事? I mean, what exactly is going on in Hawkins? 杀人凶手是谁? What"s doing these killings? 那正是我们要查明的 -小伊现在在什么地方? That"s what we"re trying to ascertain. -Where is El, like, right now? 为了她的安全 你还是不知情为妙 For her safety, it"s best you don"t know. 太荒谬了 This is insane! This is insane! 这个能让小伊恢复超能力的训练 So this training to get El"s powers back, 需要花多少时间? how long is it gonna take? 可能是几周 也可能要几个月 -几个月? Could take weeks, could take months. -Months? 在那之前 哈蒙探员和华勒斯探员会陪你们 Until then, agents Harmon and Wallace will stay with you. 有危险的又不是我们 We"re not in danger. 我们的朋友住在霍金斯 Our friends live in Hawkins. 我的家人住在霍金斯 My family lives in Hawkins. 我会努力控制情况 直到 11 做好准备 I"ll work to contain the situation until Eleven is ready. 你们绝对不能 In the meantime, it is of vital importance 向任何人提起这件事 that you do not speak to anyone about this. 不行 休想 No. No way. 我知道这很难理解 I know this is difficult to understand. 不是难 这叫做不可能 It"s not difficult. This is impossible. 政&herts;府♥内部有派系 There are factions within our government 反对接受 11

 who are working directly against Eleven, 其实他们现在就在寻找她的下落 who are, in fact, searching for her as we speak. 我们不能冒险让你们接触 We can"t risk contact. 这只要有一丁点传到他们耳里 If they learned about any of this, 就会危害到 11 it will jeopardize Eleven. 要是 11 有危险 你们的朋友也有 And if Eleven is jeopardized, so are your friends. 你的家人也一样 And so is your family. 所以我们就该直接相信你们是好人? So, what? We"re just supposed to trust that you"re the good guys? 甚至不知道你是谁 Whoever you are? 我们是欧文斯的朋友 We"re friends of Owens. 11 信任我们 Eleven trusted us. 拜托你们也要信任我们 Now we"re asking the same from you. 这是给你的 For you. (给迈克 我要去变回超级英雄了 小伊笔)

 (霍金斯高中 老虎队加油!)

 本来是在这里 It was here. 就在这里 Right here. 有一座古老大钟? A grandfather clock? 感觉无比真实 It was so real. 然后我走近的时候 突然就… And then, when I got closer, suddenly I just… 麦克斯 回神 -麦克斯? Max, come on. - Max? 我就醒来了 …I woke up.

 她刚才好像灵魂出窍 It was like she was in a trance or something. 跟埃迪形容的克丽丝一模一样 Exactly what Eddie said happened to Chrissy. 这还不是糟糕的部分 That"s not even the bad part. 弗雷德和克丽丝都有来找凯莉老师咨商 Fred and Chrissy, they both came to Miss Kelley for help. 两人都有头痛症状 Uh, they both were having headaches, 痛个不停的严重头痛 然后… bad headaches that wouldn"t go away. And then… 然后就是做恶梦 then the nightmares. 睡不着觉 Trouble sleeping. 满身冷汗惊醒 They"d wake up in a cold sweat. 然后就开始出现幻觉 Then they started seeing things. 可怕的画面 Bad things. 来自过去的经历 From their pasts. 这些幻象会… These visions, they just… 会不断恶化 最后… they kept on getting worse and worse, until eventually… 一切走到尽头 everything ended. 维克纳的诅咒 Vecna"s curse. 克丽丝的头痛是在一周前开始 Chrissy"s headache started a week ago. 弗雷德则是六天前 Fred"s, six days ago. 我已经头痛五天了 I"ve been having them for five days. 我不知道我还有多少时间 I don"t know how long I have. 我只知道

 All I know is that, 弗雷德和克丽丝 for Fred and Chrissy, 都在首次出现幻觉的 24 小时内死去 they both died less than 24 hours after their first vision. 而我刚才看到那个烂钟 所以… And I just saw that goddamn clock, so… 看来我明天就要死了 …looks like I"m gonna die tomorrow. 别乱跑 Stay here. 是我啦 -卢卡斯? It"s me! -Lucas? 是我啦 -拜托喔 你有什么毛病? It"s me. -Jesus, what"s wrong with you? 对不起 -我差点用这盏灯把你打趴耶 I"m sorry. -I could"ve taken you out with this lamp! 大家对不起 Sorry, guys. Sorry. 我骑了 13 公里的脚踏车 I was… I was biking for eight miles. 让我喘一口气 累死 Give me a second. Shit. 出现红色警戒了 -什么? We"ve got a code red. -What? 达斯汀 Dustin. 我之前跟杰森 帕特里克和安迪一道 I"ve been with Jason, Patrick, and Andy, 他们彻底失控了 and they"ve gone totally off the rails. 他们想要抓埃迪 而且认定你知道他在哪 They"re trying to capture Eddie, and they think you know where he is. 你现在有极大的危险 You"re in terrible danger. 好 这确实很糟糕 All right. Yeah, that definitely sucks, 不过我们现在有比杰森更危急的问题 but we"ve got bigger problems than Jason now. NETFLIX 影集 第 4 章:亲爱的比利

 宝贝 你可以去开门吗?-我很忙 Would you get the door? -I"m busy! 我叫你去开门 I said get the door. 莫名其妙 This is unbelievable. 你好 卢卡斯在家吗? Hey there. Is, uh, is Lucas home? 不在 Negative. 你知道他在哪吗? You know where he is? 我们本来是有约… Uh, we"re just… We were supposed to go out and... 有约?看来他从麦克斯后就走下坡了 Go out? I see he"s taken a step down from Max. 不好意思 I"m sorry. 你就是爱玩龙与地下城的妹妹吧? Uh, well, you"re the little sister who plays Dungeons & Dragons, huh? 关你什么事? What"s it to you? 你认识达斯汀亨德森吗? Do you know Dustin Henderson? 认识他?我跟他可是生死之交 Know him? I"ve bled with him. 他很有可能正和你的出轨男友在一起 Chances are, he"s with your cheater boyfriend. 要是你找到卢卡斯 Oh, if and when you do find Lucas, 麻烦转达他 我已经罩他两天了 please tell him I"ve been covering for his ass for two days now. 每天要 10 元 附加日利率 Each day of covering costs ten bucks, with a DPR. 日利率是 7.9% That"s a daily percentage rate of 7.9%. 再这样下去一个礼拜 他就要买♥♥任天堂给我了 Another week of this and he"s buying me a goddamn Nintendo, 附带《打鸭子》 with Duck Hunt. 辛克莱死去哪了?

 Where the hell"s Sinclair? 我们这就要去查个清楚 That"s what we"re about to find out. 我们被耍了 兄弟 We"ve been tricked, boys. (维克多克里尔声称 “上古恶魔杀了我的家人”)

 好 要老实说 Okay, be honest. Uh… 你们看得懂吗? You guys understand any of this? 不懂 -还蛮直截了当的 No. -Pretty straightforward. 直截了当啊 真的吗? Oh, straightforward, really? 你是哪部分看不懂? What"s confusing to you? 目前被维克纳诅咒的人都死了 So far, everyone Vecna has cursed has died, 除了南希找到的这个维克多克里尔 except for this old Victor Creel dude Nancy found. 他是唯一已知的生还者 He"s the only known survivor. 要说谁会破解诅咒 非他莫属 If anyone knows how to beat this curse, it"s him. 前提是他有受到诅咒 这我们根本无法确定 That"s assuming he was cursed, which we don"t even know. 维克纳怎么能从 1950 年代就存在?这根本没道理 How can Vecna have existed in the "50s? It doesn"t make sense. 就我们所知 11 并非创造了上下颠倒的世界 Far as we know, Eleven didn"t create the Upside Down. 而是打开了大门 She opened a gate to it. 上下颠倒的世界很可能 The Upside Down has probably been around 存在千万年了 for thousands of years. Millions. 就算比恐龙还早出现也不意外 I wouldn"t be surprised if it predated the dinosaurs. 恐龙?我们到底在… -好啦 Dinosaurs? What are we... - Okay. 但如果门在 1950 年代还不存在

 But if a gate didn"t exist in the "50s, 维克纳当年是怎么穿越的? how did Vecna get through? 现在又是怎么穿越的?-为何要挑现在? How"s he getting through now? - And why now? 当年也是 在 1950 年代 And why then? Just pops out in the "50s, 冒出来杀光一家人 kills one family, and "s like, "I"m good." 就心满意足拍拍屁♥股♥走人? And poof, he just disappears. Just… gone? 30 年后又回来乱杀青少年? Only to return 30 years later and start killing random teens? 我才不买♥♥账 No, I don"t buy it. 直截了当个屁 Straightforward, my ass. 亨德森 偶尔谦虚一下 You konw, honestly, Henderson, a little humility now and then, 对你没有坏处 it wouldn"t hurt you. 对不起 Sorry. 知道她在写什么吗? Any idea what she"s writing? 她有睡觉吗? Did she sleep? 换作是你 I mean, 你会睡吗? would you? 好 Okay, so… 我们有个计划 …we have a plan. 多亏南希的报社小帮手 Thanks to Nancy"s minions, 我们成了圣母大学心理系 we are now rock-star psychology students 明星学生 at the University of Notre Dame.

 我是鲁思 -我是罗斯 I"m now Ruth. -And I"m Rose. 鲁思? Ruth? (犯罪心理学:3.9 分)

 成绩不错 Nice GPA. 谢谢 Thanks. 我们联络了潘赫斯特精神病院 So we called Pennhurst Asylum, 说我们想访谈维克多克里尔 told them we"d like to speak with Creel 拿来做妄想型思觉失调症论文素材 for a thesis we"re co-writing on paranoid schizophrenics... 他们拒绝了 To which they said no. 但我们和院长约了 3 点见面 But we landed a three o"clock with the director. 现在只要讨他欢心 说服他 Now all we have to do is charm him 让我们访谈维克多就好 and convince him to let us talk to Victor. 然后说不定就能祛除麦克斯的诅咒 Then maybe we can rid Max of this curse. 关于这件事嘛 About that. 我们一直在认真研究维克多克里尔 We"ve been doing our Victor Creel homework, and, uh… 我们有些疑问 …we got some questions. 非常多 Lots of questions. 我们也是 希望维克多能解答 So do we. Hopefully, Victor has the answers. 等一下 Wait… Wait… Wait a second. Uh… 我的呢? Where"s mine? 你傻了才会以为我会继续当保母 Nancy, you"re outta your mind if you think I"m babysitting again.

 他们已经不是小孩子了 而且麦克斯有重大危险 First, they"re not babies anymore. And Max is in real danger. 她需要有人陪伴 She needs people around her. 我知道 但为什么每次都是我? I know. But why this always had to be me? 天啊 你有汤姆克鲁斯的海报 Oh my God, you have a Tom Cruise poster. 你竟然有汤姆克鲁斯的海报 You have a Tom Cruise poster. 那是以前贴的 That"s old. 只是… It"s just… 你可以不要乱碰吗? Can you please not touch anything? 我在这什么都做不成 南希 I can"t do anything here, Nance. 跟院长会面时 我或许能帮上忙 Maybe I can be helpful with this asylum director dude. 说不定我可以发挥魅力 I don"t know. I could turn on my… my charm. 我们不需要那种魅力 -真伤人 Not the charm we need. -Ouch. 不是 我只是… No, I just… 我昨晚研究了一下 这个哈奇医生 I did a little digging last night, and it turns out this Dr. Hatch 原来是美国精神医学学会杰出会士 is a distinguished fellow of the American Psychiatric Association 还是哈佛大学客座教授 知道吗? and a Harvard visiting scholar, okay? 他的学识渊博 如果要取得他的认同 This is a lifelong student of the world. If we"re gonna win him over, 就必须让他相信我们也一样 we"re gonna have to convince him we are too. 我们跟他一样 是货真价实的学者 That, like him…we are true academic scholars. 哇靠 这里面有个小芭蕾舞者 Holy shit. There"s a little ballerina in here. 学者?你觉得她有学术气息?

 Academic scholar? She"s giving you an academic scholar vibe? Yeah. 是...

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